Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Human Capital Report

Saadia Zahidi, with the World Economic Forum, speaks succinctly about the importance of people to an economy.  It's stating an obvious fact, of course.  But time and time again people seem to be the most neglected aspect of economic theory, modeling and effort.  Why?  Perhaps it's like the nose on our face, that we hardly ever notice, unless we look in the mirror.  Perhaps it's because people populate our world so much that we're enured to them.

A thriving economy needs healthy, educated, and engaged, working people
Saadia Zahidi looks at the full human endowment of an economy, across a lifetime
The four pillars of the Human Capital Index are:
  1. Education
  2. Health and Wellness
  3. Workforce and Employment
  4. Enabling Environment
The Index can guide business, government and civil society on how best to deal with such pressing problems as talent scarcity and aging populations.

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